Swtor Additional Crew Skill Slot

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  1. Crew Skills Trainer Swtor
  2. Swtor Crew Skill Tree
  3. Swtor Crew Skills 5.0

SWTOR Classes - Dominate with the most powerful specializations! SWTOR Crew Skills - gathering, crafting, and mission skills explained; SWTOR Companions - know your crew in Star Wars: The Old Republic; SWTOR Credits farming - Get rich in no time with these methods! Comments (0) post new comment. Description:This item will grant an additional Crew Skill slot to a maximum of 3. Bullets-Subscribers have the maximum number of Crew Skill slots (3). Category: All UNLOCKS. Most Common Price:420 CC. User(s) watching this item:14. Additional 2 character slots if you subscribe after Nov 30, 2016 (Cumulative 4 extra slots with the 2 extra slots from 4.0.) 4.0 - 10/20/15 Additional 2 character slots if you subscribe after Oct 20, 2015; October 2015 SWTOR support forum moved to EA Answers forum and is now available to all users.

One of the most common questions I see asked by new Star Wars: The Old Republic players is “which crafting skill or crew skill should I choose?” Much like the age-old question of “which class should I choose?” this is a question that doesn’t have a solid answer – it really depends on what you want to make, and what you want to do.


I have recently downloaded SWTOR again after playing it from launch. As a returning player I have Preferred Status. I decided to buy some things from the Cartel Market and one of the things I was interested in was the 3rd Crew Skill. So I bought a bunch of. Do mind that as Arnora mentioned, becoming Preferred nets you an automatic account-wide unlock for a Crew Skill slot as well. Between that one and the one you might buy with Cartel Coins, you're.

Which Crafting Skill Video

Trying to decide which crafting skills you should pick in SWTOR? This video covers what types of items each crafting skill can craft, the pros and cons of each, and some tips and suggestions.

How many crew skills can free-to-play, preferred and subscribed players have?

Let’s start off with what’s available. Free-to-play players who have never subscribed are only allowed to have one crew skill. Preferred players who have subscribed or purchased cartel coins in the past but don’t currently have a subscription get 2, and subscribers unlock all three crew skills. The good news is that if you’re a preferred player, you can use a friend’s referral link to get a free crew skill slot, which will bring your total up to 3, just like a subscriber. Free-to-play players are stuck at one until they subscribe though.

Crafting & Gathering Crew Skills

There are three types of crew skills. Crafting skills, which allow you to actually craft things, gathering skills that allow you to gather materials by sending your companions on missions or by scavenging fallen enemies, and Mission skills that only allow you to send your companions on missions to gather resources.

If you are subscribed, it’s generally recommend to get one crafting skill, and the two gathering skills that correspond to it, so you can gather all the materials you need to craft without having to buy them. If you have 6 characters, you can spread the 6 crafting skills among – so don’t stress out too much about only having to pick one.

If you don’t have six characters or are just starting to play the game, you’re obviously going to want to be a bit more picky about which crafting skills you choose. There is no objectively best crafting skill though – so just pick one that sounds fun!

Free-to-Play Crafting Skills

As a free to play player, you can only have one crew skill per character, and 2 characters per server. This makes your choices a bit tricky. As I mentioned, if you have a crafting skill, you’d normally want to pick the two complementary gathering skills to go with it. However, as a free to play player, you can only have 1.. So what should you do? You have two options.

The first is just to pick a gathering skill and ignore crafting all together. If you pick Bioanalysis, Archaeology, Scavenging or Slicing, you can loot crafting materials from nodes across the galaxy. This is my personal recommendation if you are levelling – it’s a neat little minigame to grab these crafting nodes while you are running around exploring, and it’s a crew skill that costs no credits, which makes it an especially nice choice for Free to Play players who are capped at 200k credits.

Archaeology will let you pick up pretty crystals, bioanalysis will let you pick plants and dead beasts, scavenging will let you get scrap metal from droids and trash heaps, and slicing will let you get credits from discarded terminals. Scavenging and Bioanalysis can be especially neat to have, because not only can you pick up the crafting nodes scattered across the galaxy, but you can also pick up the bodies of your fallen enemies.

You can then decide what to do with the materials you gather – if you need money, you can sell them to vendors or on the GTN for a nice profit, or you can hold on to them in your legacy bank and use them for crafting if you decide to subscribe and unlock the other crew skill slots.

If you want to craft as a free-to-play player, you’re going to encounter a lot of restrictions. The biggest one is that companions can only craft one item at a time on a non-subscribed account… while subscribers can queue up multiple items at a time. Some of the crew skills also can produce items you can’t equip if you’re on a non-subscribed account – for example, if you wanted to choose Artifice to craft yourself pretty lightsaber crystals, a lot of the crafted lightsaber crystals require artifact authorization… which means you could craft them, but not equip them. Luckily, the basic craftable armor and weapons from Armormech, Synthweaving, Armstech and Artifice can be worn by free-to-play and preferred players, even without artifact authorization.

Subscriber & Preferred Crafting Skills

Subscribers will have a huge range of crafting options available to them though. The first option is just to pick 3 gathering skills from the Archaeology, Scavenging, Bioanalysis and Slicing list. If you’re not interested in the actual act of crafting, this is the option I’d recommend, because you can pick up free materials off the ground and turn them into credits. If you do want to craft, you’ll pick one of the crafting skills and the two complementary gathering and missions skills to go with it.

If you make the wrong choice or want to switch your crafting skills later don’t worry – you can easily drop a crew skill by pressing the small X beside it in your crew skills panel. Then you’ll have an empty crew skill slot and you can go pick up a new skill at crafting level 0. Just be aware this does erase any progress in the last skill – if you decide to go back to it later, you’ll be starting from scratch.

Endgame Crafting

If you’re crafting on a high level character, you may choose to craft for endgame rather than for fun. Endgame crafting is crafting purely for statistics – to raise your character’s stats, like your power or endurance, so you can perform better in combat. This includes crafting armorings, mods, enhancements, hilts, barrels, relics, earpieces, implants and augments. Knowing which crafting skills to take for endgame requires you to be familiar with what pieces of endgame gear each crew skill can craft, and which types of stats your specific type of character needs. For example, a healer needs an entirely different set of gear than a tank. If you’re interested in crafting for endgame, I’ve included some links to resources in the description of this video, including how to find out what stats you need and which crew skills can craft what pieces.

  • Video About Gearing & Stats (just stop when it starts getting into gear rating and where to get gear, it is outdated)

Which skill to pick?

If you aren’t a high level, or don’t care about endgame crafting, you’re free to pick whichever crafting skill sounds fun to you.


The first crafting skill you can choose is Artifice. Artificers can craft a variety of things, and the one they’re most well known for are color crystals that can change the color of your lightsaber’s blade, or the color of the bolts that come out of your blasters. Artificers are also the only crafters that can craft dyes – there’s over fourty craftable dyes, plus some special ones from reputation. Just remember, if you are preferred or free to play and don’t have artifact authorization, you won’t be able to equip a majority of the craftable color crystals. Artificers can also craft lightsabers and double-bladed lightsabers, relics, shields generators and focuses. Artifice is a great skill to choose if you have a force-using character, or if you want dyes and crystals, either to use for yourself, or to sell to other players for credits. Artifice’s complementary skills are Archaeology and Treasure Hunting.


Crew Skills Trainer Swtor

If you’re looking to craft armor for your force user, try out Synthweaving. Synthweaving lets you craft armor for any type of Jedi or Sith.. you could technically even wear them on your non-force user, as all new crafted armors are adaptive and can be worn on characters that use light, medium or heavy armor. Here are some of the armors you can craft on the Republic side for Jedi, and here are some of the armors you can craft on the Imperial side for Sith. Keep in mind these armors switch appearance when they change factions… so you can’t craft the darkside costumes for your Jedi. Synthweaving’s complementary skills are Archaeology and Underworld Trading.


If you’d like to make armor for a non-force using character, pick Armormech. Armormech can craft armor that looks good on Troopers, Smugglers, Bounty Hunters and Imperial Agents. Here’s some of the armors you can craft for Troopers, Here are some of the smuggler armors, Here are some of the Bounty Hunters armors, and here are the Imperial Agent armors. Just like the robes from Synthweaving, all the new Armormech armors are adaptive, which means they can be worn by any class – but they do change appearance when sent over to the opposite faction. If you haven’t played in a while or are new, there’s a feature called the Outfit Designer that allows you to put a costume on over your main armor… so although these armors aren’t moddable, it’s not a big deal. If you’re a returning player who’s coming back to the game, you may remember that certain crafting and gathering skills used to be better for certain classes and companions… that feature was removed, and now all classes are equal when it comes to crafting, but you can raise your favourite companion’s crafting level by building influence with them instead. Armormech’s complementary skills are Underworld Trading and Scavenging.


If you want to be able to craft blasters for your non-force-using characters, Armstech is the way to go. Unfortunately, most of the default craftable weapons, from lightsabers to blasters, are not moddable… And there’s no slot in the outfit designer for weapons. So be aware that a lot of the weapons you can craft might look cool, but they won’t be great for your high-level character. Because of this, I don’t really recommend picking up Armstech. If you do end up picking Armstech, its complementary skills are Investigation and Scavenging.


Cybertech is the odd one out when it comes to cool things you can craft, as they can’t make weapons or armor. Instead, they can create a motley of items including ship parts, grenades, and even a few speeders. Cybertech’s complementary skills are Scavenging and Underworld Trading.


The last crafting skill is Biochem, and like Cybertech, it’s a bit odd. Biochemists craft medpacs, stims and adrenals – all of which can mean the difference between life and death in tricky combat situations, like heroics, operations or flashpoints. At the time of making this video, Biochem crafters can also use special re-usable medpacs, stims and adrenals. These schematics are earned from the Umbara flashpoint and require Biochem level 600 to craft AND to use. Because of these schematics, biochem is sometimes known as the most “useful” skill, since the items crafted by all the other skills can technically just be bought from the GTN, without requiring that actual crafting skill to use them. Biochem’s complementary skills are Bioanalysis and Diplomacy.

Crafting Skill Suggestion

If you’re still having trouble deciding and don’t want to dig into endgame crafting, I’d suggest picking up Synthweaving if you play a Jedi or Sith, or Armormech if you play a non-force user. The armors you can make with those two crafting skills give you a great variety of outfits you can mix and match, and allow you to craft some of the classic and iconic armors for each class. Crafting is truly a supplementary part of the game… so don’t be afraid to try out a crew skill and see if you like it. Good luck on your crafting journey… and may the force be with you!

How to Craft

In Star Wars the Old Republic professions are known as Crew Skills. Crew Skills are essential to the game because they allow you to craft powerful and useful items using your gathered resources. The Star Wars galaxy however, is so large that gathering the right resources without interrupting your current adventure might be difficult. So the good news is this is where your companions come into play. You can have your companions (your crew) head out to gather resources for you. They can also craft items for you and complete a missions on their own.

There are three categories of Crew Skills: Gathering Skills, Crafting Skills, and Mission skills. There are three Crew Skill slots and you are allowed to have more than one Gathering or Mission Crew Skills but you are only allowed one Crafting Crew Skill.

Crafting Skills

There are six categories of Crafting Skills: Armormech, Armstech, Artifice, Biochem, Cybertech, and Synthweaving. All of the resources you and your crew gather will be used to actually make items using the Crafting Skill. Your crew will be able to craft weapons, armor, stimulants and other very useful items for you to use. Like the Gathering skill, you can sell crafted items on the open market for money. You can only have one Crafting Skill put into your Crew Skill slots.


Armormech is the ability to work with hard metals and electronic shielding to construct all types of personal armor. Fluxes are purchased through vendors and are used in the Crafting skill to refine materials. Scavenging and Underworld Trading provide crafting resources for Armormech. Armormech is great for: Smugglers, Troopers, Imperial Agents, and Bounty Hunters.
Crew Skills to go with Armormech: Scavenging and Underworld Trading



Armstech is the skill of constructing blasters, blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and sniper rifles. It is also the skill of crafting upgrades and modifications. Fluxes purchased through vendors are also used in the blaster creation process to refine materials to ensure suitability. A cool ability that Armstechs have is to reverse engineer their crafted blasters. By doing so, they can discover new ways to improve blaster creation. Armstech crafting skill uses mainly material farmed from the Scavenging Skill. Armstech is great skill for: Smugglers, Troopers, Imperial Agents, and Bounty Hunters.
Crew Skills to go with Armstech: Scavenging and Investigation


Artifice is the delicate work of constructing Jedi and Sith artifacts. Using this skill your crew can create modifications for items as Lightsabers and Blasters. Crystal colors are the same as the Lightsaber’s beam color or blaster colors. Like the other professions, Artificers have the ability to reverse engineer a few of their crafted items. This will allow them to discover new ways to improve item creation. Materials from Archaeology and Treasure Hunting are excellent resources of materials for Artificers. Artifice is a great skill for: Jedi Knights, Jedi Consulars, Sith Warriors, and Sith Inquisitors.
Crew Skills to go with Artifice: Archaeology and Treasure Hunting


Biochem is the skill of creating performance-enhancing chemical serums and biological implants. Biochemists create medpacks which are used by players to restore their health during battle. Stimulants and biological implants can also be made which are used to boost your characters abilities and enhance their battle skills. Materials from Bioanalysis provide the resources used for Biochem. Biochem is great for making money on the open market as many players will want to use the stimulants to boost their damage, healing or tanking abilities. Biochem is great for all classes and is sure to be another money maker.
Crew Skills to go with Biochem: Bioanalysis and Diplomacy

Swtor Crew Skill Tree


Cybertech is the technical expertise to construct gadgets and components for high-tech armor. This skill can also make some gear modifications. Materials from Scavenging and Underworld Trading are the resources used for Cybertech. Cybertech is a great skill for: Smugglers, Troopers, Imperial Agent, and Bounty Hunters.
Crew Skills to go with Cybertech: Scavenging and Underworld Trading


Synthweaving is the art of creating light armor. Most items are worn by Sith Inquisitors and Jedi Consulars. Like the other crafters, Synthweavers can reverse engineer their crafted items to allow them to discover new ways to improve armor creation. Materials from Archaeology and Underworld Trading provide most of the resources for Synthweaving. Synthweaving is great for: Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors.
Crew Skills to go with Synthweaving: Archaeology and Underworld Trading

Gathering Skills

There are four categories of Gathering Skills: Archaeology, Bioanalysis, Scavenging, and Slicing. With the resources you and your crew gather from exploring the different planets and using your Gathering Skills, you will be able to craft useful and valuable items. Any extra items or raw materials you have can be sold for a profit on the open market. You may have more than one Gathering Skill put into your Crew Skill slots. Details on each of the gathering skills are listed below.


Archaeology is the ability to seek out imbued items such as ancient artifacts and Lightsaber crystals. It has the same concept as mining in World of Warcraft. Crystal nodes are valuable because they contain ancient formulas and algorithms used by Artificers. These items are also used in Synthweaving to create items used by Force players (i.e. Sith Inquisitors and Jedi Consulars).


Bioanalysis is the practice of collecting genetic material from creatures and plants. This skill goes hand in hand with the Biochem Crafting skill. Genetic materials are items such as cell fibers, medicinal fluids, and bacterial strains. These materials are used to create medpacks and stimulants by the Biochem Crafting Skill. Biological implants can also be made from these materials, which are used to boost ability skills.


Swtor Crew Skills 5.0

Scavenging is the art of recovering useful materials and parts from old or damaged technology. Classes that Scavenging would be useful for are Troopers and Bounty Hunters. Armormech, Armstech, and Cybertech crafting skills use the resources gathered from Scavenging.


Slicing is a skill in accessing secured computer systems and lockboxes to acquire valuable data and rare schematics from them. The recipes found inside things like electronic safes, biometric footlockers, and date stations will be useful later in the game because they contain valuable item and rare tech materials used to create weapons and armor. Slicing is very useful for making money on the open market due to the ability to sell the recipes and the items obtained from the safes.

Mission Skills

There are four categories of Mission Skills: Diplomacy, Investigation, Treasure Hunting, and Underworld Trading. Using these skills, your companions are able to go out on their own into the galaxy to complete missions. They can gather information, get loot, or complete other goals that will benefit you. There are many options for Mission skills, each with their own rewards and benefits. Some completed missions can also earn you light or dark side points. You may have more than one Mission Skill put into your Crew Skill slots.


Diplomacy is the art of conducting and managing negotiations. These missions can be used to produce crafting materials for Biochem and companion gifts. Companion gifts are used to raise their affection rating. So remember to be nice to all of your companions. Completing diplomatic missions can affect your standing with the light or dark side.


Investigation is the skill of examining evidence and following clues to discover valuable secrets. Using Investigation will help you find materials needed for all Crafting Skills. You can also get companion gifts with Investigation.

Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting is the ability to track down and recover valuable items by investigation a series of clues. With Treasure Hunting, you find items that turn into materials that are then used by the Crafting Skills to build powerful and useful items. Companion gifts are also available for completed missions through Treasure Hunting.

Underworld Trading

Underworld Trading is the expertise in the trading of illegal goods and services. Through the Underworld Trading Skill you can find materials that are used in Armormech, Cybertech, and Synthweaving. As with the other Mission Skills, Underworld Trading gives out companion gifts.

[found on swtorhumanrelations.com]