Persuasive Speech On Gambling Outline

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1. Intro

Wingard persuasive outline 2 D. Our inactivity now may lead to inactivity later. Our choices in brand of beer will be carried on through the coming years. By being inactive now we are getting ourselves into a rut of being inactive. This rut can be avoided, but it is difficult. All of this could have been avoided with a simple persuasive speech outline template. Persuasive speech outlines help keep things organized and put in a logical form. So, in this article I would like to present some tips on how to make a speech outline format, and some great examples and templates to go with them.

·Our society today has given sex workers a negative stigma, most of the time making them out to be secondhand citizens or less of a person.


·Decriminalizing prostitution would help take away this stigma, helping people of all professions gain social equality as well as equal benefits.

·Legalizing brothels would help keep sex workers get off the streets and safe from people like Gary Ridgway

2. Point one

·The homicide rate for female prostitutes was estimated to be 204 per 100,000

·There is a substantial difference between the amount of violence of street prostitutes and those who work in an organized facility

·Legalizing prostitution would enable them to prostitutes to turn in rapists and people who have violated and hurt them, which is something that every person should have the right to do

·They’re not able to because they’re scared of getting incarcerated

·By legalizing brothels, we can eliminate other dangers, such as STDs

3. Point two

·The legalization of brothels could help the prevention of STDs

·Prostitution is going to happen whether we legalize it or not, might as well try to do something about the dangers of it

·In northern Nevada, Brothels must test prostitutes for gonorrhea and Chlamydia weekly, HIV and syphilis monthly; condoms are also mandatory for all sexual acts

·This has already stopped the spread of disease without stopping the fun ;)

Persuasive Speech On Gambling Outline

·Disease isn’t spread, everybody is happy

4. Point three

·We’ve come to the point in time where feminist and women’s rights have started to have more of a presence

·If a women wants to pursue a career in sex work, they should be able to

Persuasive Speech On Gambling Outline Example

·It’s their body

·Abortion is legal, prostitution may of

5. Conclusion

·I don’t expect you to want to be a prostitute after this speech but you should consider that some people want to be a part of sex working and as a society, we should strive for the safety of themselves and their clients

·A women is no less of a women because of her profession


Persuasive Speech Outline
